Collective Worship

Our Christian Value for this half term is Friendship.  

Friends are incredibly important as children grow up. We will consider how to be a good friend and how to encourage each other. Friendship is a key concept in the Christian framework with Jesus being criticised for being a ‘friend of sinners’.

Jesus tells stories about a heavenly banquet to which all are invited. The barriers between people are broken down in a loving community based around God. 

True friendship allows each person to grow, to become themselves. This ensures that the unique individuality of each person is recognised, echoing the value placed by God on the preciousness of each person.

Worship Leaders

We have a fantastic team of Worship Leaders who are responsible for developing the Collective Worship in our school and ensuring that all our pupils have a voice about worship.

Our Worship team is comprised of six children from years 4 – 6. During the last academic year, they introduced a volunteer system and ‘teaspoon prayers’, planned and led a collective worship and designed an outdoor prayer space. They meet every fortnight to discuss progress.

This is our school prayer which they created together.

Value Launch Days

Every term, we work with our church community to hold a ‘Value Launch Day’. Classes take it in turns to experience a carousel of prayer spaces and activities which explore our focus Christian values. We often hold these days in the church, the village hall and in the Parish Woods. These photos are a snapshot of some of our previous Value Launch Days: