
The Governors of Rosley C of E School review spending regularly throughout the year and prepare budgets in May and October.  Through careful monitoring, the Governors have ensured that the school has never had a deficit budget.  The Governors use the benchmarking tool to evaluate the school’s spending and to check that the budget is in line with similar schools.

No employees have a gross salary which exceeds £100,000. 

The school buildings and sports pavilion are well maintained and the school and classrooms are extremely well resourced.  All pupils benefit from the provision of specialist teaching in music.

Pupil Premium

For the last academic year (2023-2024), the school had one child in receipt of Forces Premium or Pupil Premium. Last year, this equated to £620 and was spent on providing 1:1 support and intervention. 

For the year 2020-21 our cohort of pupils qualifying for pupil premium was extremely small; the data was suppressed so as to protect the identity of qualifying pupils. The Pupil Premium Strategy Statement and review is available from school, for scrutiny by governors and external inspectors.

Rosley Pupil Premium 2019-20

Sports Funding

During this academic year (2023-24), we received £16,520 as a sports premium funding allocation, in addition to funding carried forward from last year due to the pandemic. This has been used to:

  • improve and promote physical and mental health and wellbeing post-pandemic
  • increase physical activity
  • provide specialist PE/sports teaching across the school
  • provide broader sporting opportunities, including top-up swimming lessons and additional equipment
  • provide staff professional development
  • subsidise transportation costs to sporting events.

We receive funding from the government to cover improvements to the delivery of Physical Activity, PE and School Sport school. Rosley CE School’s evaluation of spending for 2023-2024 is available to download here:

The Impact of the Primary PE and Sport Premium 2023 – 2024